Beyond Daycare: Discover the IPS Difference on the Upper East Side

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Raising children in the dynamic atmosphere of New York City offers a spectrum of choices for their early educational journey. The Upper East Side, known for its prestigious educational institutions, presents a unique preschool option that stands out from the recent surge of daycares: The International Preschools (IPS). Here’s a closer look at how IPS sets a new standard for early childhood education, far beyond the traditional daycare experience.

Unmatched Teaching Excellence

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A cornerstone of the IPS experience is our exceptional teaching staff. Every Head Teacher at IPS boasts a Master’s degree in early childhood education, a testament to our commitment to providing the highest quality education. At IPS, education is not just a job; it’s a calling. Our Specialty Teachers bring expertise in music, creative movement, library studies, and technology, enriching our curriculum with their diverse skills. This dedication is reflected in the long tenures of our teachers, with an average of over 15 years at IPS, ensuring a stable and nurturing environment for our students.

A Play-Based Learning Philosophy

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IPS embraces a play-based learning curriculum, a deliberate choice that sets us apart from daycares, which often prioritize care over comprehensive educational development. Our approach is age-appropriate and grounded in research, designed to foster social, emotional, and cognitive growth. At IPS, play is not just an activity but a vehicle for learning, encouraging exploration, problem-solving, and creativity. This method is fundamental to our goal of nurturing lifelong learners and critical thinkers.

Cultural Diversity and Global Citizenship

international preschool daycare nyc

In an ever-connected global community, IPS’s commitment to multiculturalism offers children a unique opportunity to appreciate the world’s diversity. Unlike traditional daycares, our curriculum celebrates various cultures, languages, and traditions, preparing students to become informed global citizens. Signature events like UN Day and the Winter Solstice underscore our inclusive ethos, inviting families to share their heritage and learn from one another.

Fostering Community and Family Engagement

international preschool daycare nyc

At IPS, we believe in the power of community. Our school extends beyond the classroom, offering a welcoming space for families to connect, share experiences, and grow together. This engagement is vital, creating a partnership between home and school that enriches our students’ educational journey. Through events, workshops, and cultural shares, IPS fosters a sense of belonging and mutual support. 

Providing Guidance for Kindergarten Admissions

international preschool daycare nyc

We recognize that you can only stay at IPS until your child is age-appropriate for kindergarten. Living on the Upper East Side, IPS families have many excellent educational options for kindergarten and beyond. Do you want to enroll in your local zoned public school? Interested in Gifted and Talented programs? Hunter College Elementary School? Or are you interested in applying to independent and/or parochial schools?

At IPS we provide guidance and support in making the best school choice for your child and your family. We work individually with each family beginning in the spring of your child’s 3’s year. We get to know your child as a student and are the best equipped to find the best fit. We work with you throughout the process until your child is enrolled in the best option for kindergarten and set up for a successful educational career.

Choosing IPS: A Decision for the Future

preschool vs daycare

Choosing IPS promises an enriching educational foundation for your child(ren). IPS is not just a school; it’s a community where children are encouraged to explore, learn, and become compassionate global citizens. With our highly qualified teachers, play-based curriculum, and emphasis on cultural diversity, IPS stands as a beacon of excellence in early childhood education on the Upper East Side.

We invite you to learn more about how IPS can make a meaningful difference in your child’s growth and development. Visit us to discover a world of learning and belonging at The International Preschools.

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