My daughter (age 5) is, and always has been, a fantastic eater. She loves all kinds of food (steak at age 1.5!) and will try most things, even if she ultimately decides she doesn’t like it.
My son (age 2.5), not so much. He is (and always has been) a picky eater, eating mostly berries, cheese, crackers, yogurt, bread, and the like. Then, a few months ago, he suddenly started eating what I consider basically nothing, other than milk, yogurt, and the occasional slice of bologna.

Our beloved pediatrician did not have any problems with what was going on…he said kids go through phases and to keep on offering all types of foods to the little man. Which we did, to no avail.
Then, one day, we turned a corner. That corner, my friends, was preschool snack time. The little man joined summer camp in June, and after a day or so of politely refusing snack options, he was suddenly eating multiple helping of foods. Grapes? Yes please! Pretzels? Wow, never seen these before! String cheese? Absolutely!
I write this post, on this topic, in hopes of sharing my toddler’s food journey with you, as I’m sure there are many families out there who have struggled, worried, and battled this topic in their homes. Simply put, my little man wanted to do what his friends were doing, and as a result, he began eating more and trying new foods. It will happen for your family, too! (Even if it doesn’t seem like it.)

In next week’s blog post, I will cover the topic of snack and lunch at school and some helpful hints when packing your child’s lunch for preschool. Many families will have children making the switch to eating lunch at school in September, and I hope these posts will help your child make this transition smooth and easy!
Ready to sign your child up for a full day of preschool at one of New York City’s best? Apply online on our website today!