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Pre-K children during their first days of school at IPS

Back-to-School Jitters: Separation Anxiety

August 16, 2021
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IPS is currently closed for summer vacation. Please enjoy an encore post on a timely back-to-school topic! Separation anxiety (and the separation process) can be one of the most difficult times of the year for children and parents alike!  At The International Preschools, we take separation seriously and strive to provide the most productive and […]

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Socializing at snack time with the Little Dolphins at 76th Street!

Snack Time and Lunch Time in Preschool: An Important Part of Your Child’s Day

August 9, 2021
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At The International Preschools, all children have a morning snack time built into their daily schedule. Full day children have about 45 minutes for lunch, in addition to their morning snack. This is an important time of day for the children. First and foremost, snack time (and lunch time) keep the children nourished and their […]

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